DayDaddyNightDaddy is your typical mommy blog... except, it's not.
This is the multi-cultural, two gay daddies based in Sweden version. And DayDaddy is transgender. He's currently gestating the womb ninja.
What you will find here:
- Typical pregnancy babble with a side helping of gender dysphoria
- Heavy doses of first-time parents anxiety (aka "WTF have we gotten ourselves into?!?")
- Musing on midwives, home birth, water birthing, perhaps a touch of hypnosis mumbojumbo as well as a halphazard introduction to Swedish pre-natal care
- A tendency to obsess over cloth diapers and other yuppy leanings like baby wearing, co-sleeping and human milk donations
- Blathering on and on about the amazingness of NightDaddy's parents who live nearby
- Most likely the occassional bitch fest about stupid/rude/ignorant mother fuckers*.
These points are subject to further expansion or completely altered trajectory upon spawn arrival, expected September 5th 2013.
What you won't find here:
- Advice
- An LGBT Pride Parade (but we *do* like them)
- Detailed descriptions of our physical anatomies or sexual proclivities. DayDaddy and NightDaddy are both the genetic parentage of the womb ninja. DayDaddy's body has a few magical fertility features that make that possible. That is all that shall be disclosed here.
*We do things like say "fuck." Most mommy blogs don't. It's possible you might enjoy them more. Entirely up to you.
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